The OpenSoc Programme is coordinated by a board, in which all the associated schools and institutes are represented:
- José de São José (FE – UAlg)
- Maria João Nicolau Santos (ISEG – ULisboa) (Coordinator 2023-2026)
- Maria da Saudade Baltazar (IIFA – UÉ)
- Paula Campos Pinto (ISCSP – ULisboa)
- João Sedas Nunes (NOVA FCSH)
- Vítor Sérgio Ferreira (ICS – ULisboa)
The teaching and research staff available to lecture and to supervise theses is highly qualified and diversified, as it is composed of all professors and researchers in the schools, institutes and research centres associates in the programme.
We present here the members of the teaching teams who are in charge of the seminars in the school year 2023/2024.
Besides these, a much wider set have lectured specific sessions in several of the seminars and provided tutorial assistance to project development.
- Anália Torres (ISCSP – ULisboa): Research Methodology
- Bernardete Dias Sequeira (FE – UAlg): Research Seminar V
- Bruno Dionísio (IIFA – UÉ): Contemporary Sociological Debates
- Fátima Assunção (ISCSP – ULisboa): Research Methodology
- Filipe Carreira da Silva (ICS – ULisboa): Contemporary Theoretical Debates
- João Carlos Graça (ISEG – ULisboa): Sociological Theory: The Classics
- João Eduardo Martins (FE – UAlg): Research Seminar V
- João Filipe Marques (FE – UAlg): Research Seminar V
- João Sedas Nunes (NOVA FCSH): Contemporary Theoretical Debates
- José Alberto Simões (NOVA FCSH): Contemporary Theoretical Debates
- José de São José (FE – UAlg): Advanced Sociology Seminars I and II
- José Luís Garcia (ICS – ULisboa): Sociological Theory: The Classics
- José Manuel Resende (IIFA – UÉ): Contemporary Theoretical Debates
- Maria da Luz Ramos (ISCSP – ULisboa): Sociological Theory: The Classics
- Maria da Saudade Baltazar (IIFA – UÉ): Advanced Sociology Seminars I and II, Research Seminar IV
- Maria João Nicolau Santos (ISEG – ULisboa): Advanced Sociology Seminar I, Research Seminar II
- Maria Manuela Mendes (ISCSP – ULisboa): Advanced Sociology Seminars I and II
- Marta Varanda (ISEG – ULisboa): Advanced Sociology Seminar II
- Miguel Chaves (NOVA FCSH), Research Seminars I and II, Advanced Sociology Seminars I and II, Methods and Techniques of Qualitative Research
- Mónica Trüninger (ICS – ULisboa): Contemporary Theoretical Debates
- Paula Campos Pinto (ISCSP – ULisboa): Research Seminars I and II
- Raquel Rego (ICS – ULisboa): Advanced Sociology Seminars I and II
- Rosalina Costa (IIFA – UÉ): Methods and Techniques of Qualitative Research, Research Seminar IV
- Sofia Aboim (ICS – ULisboa): Research Methodology
- Vanessa Cunha (ICS – ULisboa): Research Seminar III
- Vasco Ramos (ICS – ULisboa): Research Seminar III
- Vítor Sérgio Ferreira (ICS – ULisboa): Methods and Techniques of Qualitative Research, Research Seminars I and II
- Alexandra Pereira, Transborder Himalaya: Transnationalism processes among Nepalese entrepreneurs and workers in Lisbon (in Portuguese), supervised by João Peixoto (ISEG – ULisboa). Doctoral degree awarded March 20, 2019. Passed with distinction.
- Sara Merlini Rodrigues, (Un)Making gender: Gender identities in Portugal, France and the United Kingdom (in Portuguese), supervised by Sofia Aboim (ICS – ULisboa). Doctoral degree awarded July 30, 2019. Passed with distinction, cum laude.
- Patricia Coelho, Put to the test: Elderly people’s family practices in times of crisis and austerity (in Portuguse), supervised by José de São José (FE – UAlg). Doctoral degree awarded October 9, 2019. Passed.
- Tatiana de Sousa, Digital nomadism: Representations and practices of the nomad style of life and work (in Portuguese), supervised by Miguel Chaves (NOVA FCSH), Doctoral degree awarded January 21, 2020, Passed with distinction.
- Emerson Pessoa, Embodying the European woman: Bodily biographies, (im)mobilities and subjetivities of Brazilian trans and travesti sex workers in Lisbon, supervised by Vítor Sérgio Ferreira (ICS – ULisboa). Doctoral degree awarded January 22, 2020, Passed with Distinction, cum laude.
- Elanir Isabelle de Souza, A hybrid world: Humanitarian workers in action, the case of Syria, supervised by João Ferrão (ICS – ULisboa). Doctoral degree awarded December 20, 2021, Passed.
- Carolina Conceição e Souza, Production and consumption of slow fashion: Meanings, justifications and practices of clothing in São Paulo, supervised by Mónica Trüninger (ICS – ULisboa). Doctoral degree awarded January 10, 2022, Passed with distinction, cum laude.
- Silvia Di Giuseppe, In-between online and offline: Italian and Portuguese women’s biographies in the digital society, supervised by Ana Nunes de Almeida (ICS – ULisboa). Doctoral degree awarded March 28, 2022, Passed with distinction, cum laude.
- Marina Saraiva, The genderisation of work conditions and labour relations, and its impact on decisions about a transition to having a second child, supervised by Vanessa Cunha (ICS – ULisboa). Doctoral degree awarded October 19, 2022. Passed.
- André Tropiano, Public university in times of neoliberalization: Disputed narratives and political activism in Brazil, supervised by Sofia Bento (ISEG – ULisboa)
- Andreia Nascimento, Beyond secondary schooling: Youths’ autonomy and mobility in the building of higher education–related life projects, supervised by Maria Manuel Vieira (ICS – ULisboa)
- Aurora Ribeiro, The communication between science and power in the decision-making process concerning the sea in the Azores, supervised by José Luís Garcia (ICS – ULisboa)
- Camila Costa Feijó, Who builds intelligent cities? An analysis of citizen participation in urban regeneration for social inclusion in Rio Grande (BR) and Lisbon (PT), Supervised by Roberto Falanga (ICS – ULisboa)
- Catarina Moreira, Constraint and negotiation in marriage, supervised by Manuel Lisboa (NOVA FCSH)
- César Morais, Work-related aspirations and strategies among higher education finalists: The Iberian case, supervised by Miguel Chaves (NOVA FCSH)
- Clara Vital, Portuguese population and alcohol: Is there gender convergence?, supervised by Casimiro Balsa (NOVA FCSH) and Cláudia Urbano (NOVA FCSH)
- Clarissa Santana, International mobility of students between Global South countries: The cases of Capeverdians and Guineans who studied in Brazil, supervised by Simone Frangella (ICS – ULisboa)
- David Cruz, Between involuntary childlessness and childfree: Representations and sense-making among millenials in Lisbon, supervised by Vanessa Cunha (ICS – ULisboa)
- Eduardo Lima, Beyond the unicorns: Between fronts and backstages of startup lives, supervised by Vítor Sérgio Ferreira (ICS – ULisboa)
- Eugénio Gujamo, The construction of the option for medical circumcision and IHV-AIDS prevention among men in Mozambique, supervised by Ana Patrícia Hilário (ICS – ULisboa)
- Francielli Cardoso, Class and everyday life: Lived experiences of lone mothers in Portugal, supervised by Vasco Ramos (ICS – ULisboa)
- Hélia Alves, Youths’ victimization in Portugal: Self-reported experiences, supervised by Dália Costa (ISCSP – ULisboa)
- Henrique Tereno, Building the Animal: Processes of categorization of nonhuman animals in children, supervised by Verónica Policarpo (ICS – ULisboa)
- Joanna Muniz, Institutional networks for receiving asylum applicants and people seeking refuge: A comparative study in Portugal and Brazil, supervised by João Peixoto (ISEG – ULisboa)
- Jorge André Guerreiro, Tourism gentrification and anti-tourism sentiments: A comparative study in three Portuguese cities, supervised by Simone Tulumello (ICS – ULisboa)
- Mariana Souto Maior, The construction and deconstruction of gender in school context: A research with secondary school youths. Supervised by Maria Manuel Vieira (ICS – ULisboa) and Dália Costa (ISCSP – ULisboa). Doctoral degree awarded February 1, 2023. Passed with distinction.
- Fábio Augusto, Beyond feeding: Food-support initiatives, actors and dynamics, supervised by Mónica Trüninger (ICS – ULisboa). Doctoral degree awarded February 9, 2023. Passed with distinction, cum laude.
- Vanda Gorjão, Portuguese women MPs before “equal democracy” (1975-1987), supervised by Manuel Lisboa (NOVA FCSH). Doctoral degree awarded March 2, 2023. Passed with distinction, cum laude.
- Carla Nogueira, Intentional sustainable communities as social innovation laboratories: An analysis of European experiences at sustainable transition, supervised by João Filipe Marques (FE – UAlg) and Hugo Pinto (CES – UCoimbra). Doctoral degree awarded on April 24, 2023. Passed with distinction, cum laude.
- Rodrigo Cruz, Breaking the political closet open on the internet and in the street: Right-wing LGBT activisms in Brazil (2013-2020) supervised by José Alberto Simões (NOVA FCSH). Doctoral degree awarded June 30, 2023. Passed with distinction, cum laude.
- Leonor Castelo Rajani, The Portuguese Eco-Schools: An environmental education programme and its network of educational communities, supervised by João Guerra and Luísa Schmidt (ICS – ULisboa). Doctoral degree awarded October 16, 2023. Passed with distinction, cum laude.
- Natasha Sagardia, Rational sovereignty? Public Higher Education and civic social interaction, supervised by Ana Nunes de Almeida (ICS – ULisboa) and Rui Santos (NOVA FCSH). Degree awarded April 24, 2024. Passed with distinction.
- José Maria Carvalho, Creative artistic experience and modalities of subjectivation in contexts of institutionalization, supervised by José Manuel Resende (IIFA – UÉ). Degree awarded July 31, 2024. Passed with distinction, cum laude.
- Lucas Freitas, Development and sustainability in urban contexts: Implementation and governace of SDO11 In Brazilian and Portuguese cities, supervised João Guerra (ICS – ULisboa)
- Madelon Schamarella, Boys and the construction of masculinity: The place of caring in identities, practices and outlooks on the future, supervised by Sofia Aboim (ICS – ULisboa)
- Mafalda Nunes, Co-constructing our cities: A relational approach to plicy mobility in culture-led urban regeneration, supervised by Roberto Falanga (ICS – ULisboa)
- Maria Eduarda Pires, Inclusion encounters: The relationship between children with defficiencies and dogs in a context of Animal-Assisted Therapy, supervised by Paula Campos Pinto (ISCSP – ULisboa)
- Matthew da Silva, A migratory triptych: Transnational memory, return mobilities & sensory acclimation for Portuguese-Canadians, supervised by Marta Rosales (ICS – ULisboa)
- Melissa Battistella, Women’s rights and the performance of women MPs in the 56th Brazilian Legislature, supervised by Paula Campos Pinto (ISCSP – ULisboa)
- Nádia Nunes, Veganism and authenticity in a late modernity context, supervised by Mónica Trüninger (ICS – ULisboa)
- Paula Paiva, Life quality of elderly people living alone in a rural context, supervised by José de São José (FE – UAlg)
- Rafael de Macêdo, Choice and inequality: Decision-making processes in the fate of youths in the Instituto Federal de Brasília, supervised by Vítor Sérgio Ferreira (ICS – ULisboa)
- Rebecca Judeh, Understanding gender and emotion socialization at school: How do gender stereotypes, roles, and expectations intersect with emotions?, supervised by Dalila Cerejo (NOVA FCSH)
- Tatiana Pita, Gender divide in the expanding ICT sector, supervised by Raquel Rego (ICS – ULisboa)
- Valério Carvalho Filho, Security, change and articulations: Proximity policing betwenn th State and communities, supervised by Daniel Seabra Lopes (ISEG – ULisboa)
- Vivaz Bandeira, The movement for the rights of disability-bearing people in Angola: The case of Luanda’s Associations of Disabled People, supervised by Paula Campos Pinto (ISCSP – ULisboa)
- Ytallo de Souza, The Saint, the King and the Enchanted: A study on Sebastianism in Brazilian Amazonia, supervised by Nuno Domingos (ICS – ULisboa)